Joan Murray
9 min readMay 1, 2020

To answer the question “Who are you?” I am going to take you on a journey through the scriptures. In Genesis, when God created you, He made some great statements about who you are and what you have been created to do. On the sixth day of creation, God finalized the creation of man and there was a decision made in heaven by God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit about you. I call this conversation “the ultimate meeting.”

Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground.” (Genesis 1:26–28 NIV)

The Image of God

“God is a Spirit, and His worshipers must worship Him in spirit and in truth.” (John 4:24 NIV)

You were created in the exact image of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. You look like the Father your Creator. God spoke and by His spoken words the earth began to bloom, the fish began to swim, the birds began to soar, and the creatures on earth began to spring to life. You have been given the same creative abilities with your words. You can speak into existence exactly what you want in your life, and by your spoken words you can create and bring into existence a destiny filled with amazing wonders. The more time you spend with God getting to know Him intimately, the more His creative abilities will come alive in you. When God designed and created you in His image, you were given “God-consciousness,” which gave you awareness before you were saved that something vital was missing from your life. In your soul you have a conscience, which helps you to know what is true and right and gives you the ability to reason these things out. Your spirit has been given the same God-consciousness, which enables you to hear the voice of God and to respond to Him when He speaks.

God gave you power to rule over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and over every moving thing upon the earth. God gave you two kinds of power, “dunamus,” which is the Greek word that in the English language means, “Dynamite.” You have explosive strength and ability to accomplish what you are assigned to do. Then God gave you “katros,” which is the Greek word that means “ruling power.” God has given you the ability to rule, govern, and reign in this life. You have been given everything you need to be a conqueror in life. I want you to know when God reviewed everything He had created, He declared that it was “very good.” Make no mistake about it, God knows that as His creation, you have been designed with great qualities for a life that can be spectacular and He expects to showcase His abilities in and through you.

The Image of Jesus

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning (John 1:1–2 NIV).

Jesus Christ the Son, the sacrificed one, was in the very beginning with God. He was the spoken Word that God sent to His children after four hundred years of silence when no one heard from God between the Old Testament book of Malachi and the New Testament book of Matthew. During those four hundred years, the children of Israel did not receive any instructions from God. God sent His Son; and in John 1, He was called the Word. He came as the Word because they had been missing a word from God for years since God had become silent in their midst. God promised to send help; and He sent His Son, the Word, who willingly gave up His life for you. The life of Jesus was that of a giver. He gave all He had for you, and in turn He has given you the ability to be a giver willing to give your all to those who are in need. This need you have to give is an indication that you are being transformed into His image.

The Image of the Holy Spirit

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” (Acts 1:8 NIV)

The Holy Spirit is the breath of life, and He causes things that are dead to live. He breathed into you the breath of life, and He is the enforcer of God’s will and plans in your life and in the earth realm. Because of His power living in you, you are able to also breathe life into your dead situations and see them bloom back to life. It is the Holy Spirit’s presence in your life that enables you to make right choices and decisions. He is always in the process of developing your character because it is His job to transform you into the image of the Son of God. As you listen and obey His commands, you daily grow to know Him intimately. This level of intimacy will help you to be a reflection of the love of God to everyone you meet. He gives you the power to share the love of God to those who are lost and alone.

Worshipper of God

To be a worshipper is the key to how much you will experience God, discover who you are, and fulfill this great destiny that He created for you. As a worshipper, you worship God the Father, and the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. For those of you who may be wondering why I have separated them with such emphasis since they are one, I did so because often time we like to focus on one of the three instead of understanding that, though they are One, they are three distinct persons with different functions. You worship because God devised a plan of redemption for you when Adam and Eve sinned and fell from grace. He did not let you live out eternity in pain, grief, and suffering. You were designed to worship because of His Son’s life given so freely for you. You could have suffered the consequences of your own sins; but you were released from its penalty because of the victory of Jesus over death, hell, and the grave. Part of the reason you worship is because of Jesus’ continuous intercession for you. Have you ever been concerned whether anyone is praying for you? Let me shout it to you today, “Yes, someone who understands you completely is in the presence of God day and night talking to God about your condition.” Jesus is seeking the mercy of God on your behalf. He asks God to pardon your sin every time you mess up and miss the mark. He is the only one in heaven and earth worthy to stand before God for you because He is the sinless, spotless, Lamb of God. He has total and complete access to God, plus He has God’s full attention.

You worship God because you love Him not only for all the wonderful things He has done for you, even though that is a blessing; but you worship Him primarily because He is your One and only God. Psalm 95:6 says, “Come let us worship and bow down, let us kneel before the Lord our maker.” This is a picture of a life that is surrendered and submitted to the will of God. Worship says to God, “There is no more I, only You.” It is going all the way with God even in your seasons of lack, fear, and doubt. Worshipping God means that you are willing and ready to bow your knees in total respect, adoration, reverence, and honor to God. It speaks of a life that will not hold anything back in a desire to let God know how much you appreciate and thank Him for not leaving you alone or comfortless, when you had no other refuge but Him. Worship says, “I am in awe of You and wonder at Your unfailing love for me and why You have given it so freely to someone so undeserving.” You are a worshipper because you understand that the One you worship will come in the midst of you to receive the praise and adoration that you are so willing to lavish on Him each time you lift your voice to Him. You should live to worship.

Heirs of God

So you are no longer a slave, but a son; and since you are a Son of God, God has made you also an heir (Galatians 4:7 NIV).

Now if we are children, then we are heirs — heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ (Romans 8:17a NIV).

I want to begin by defining the word “heirs,” because I want you to get a clear understanding of what an heir is. Heirs are beneficiaries to a kingdom, which means that as the heirs of God you have a kingdom reserved for you in heaven. While He was here on earth, Jesus made it plain that He was going to prepare a place for you so that when you get there, all will be ready. I believe the place which has been reserved for you is filled with the many things you now enjoy in your life; and God has prepared it for you with love and abundance so that, as His child, you can enjoy the benefits of being His. As an heir, you are inheritors of all the promises made to you by God in His Word. You are in line to receive blessings that are reserved for those who love the Lord and call upon His name. Throughout His Word, God has promised you a legacy, as He did for Abraham and Joseph, and many other men and women in the Bible. You have a heritage in God because you are sons and daughters of His. He has specifically designed you to receive everything that He promised for your life. I think about how some earthly parents often work to leave a legacy, an inheritance, for their children. God is the ultimate parent after whom your own parents were modeled; and they learned this principle from a loving Father, God Himself. They learned that God has provisions in store for all of His children, so they modeled what has already taken place in heaven by leaving you an earthly legacy.

One of the benefits of being a son or daughter of God is that you are no longer slaves to doubt and fear. Doubt and fear no longer have the same stronghold over your life. You come to a place of knowing that the greater One lives in you, and He gives you the power to overcome. “God has conferred sonship on you” this means He has placed His stamp of approval on you and marked you as His son or daughter. When others look at you, they will see a difference because you radiate the image of the One you were created to look like. As sons and daughters, you represent a King who provides for you, who showcases His blessings through you, and who demonstrates His consistent love and grace toward you. When others see you, they see a reflection of His glory and an absolute assurance of His Presence in your life.

As an heir of God, you are joint-heirs with Jesus because He is the first-born son; and therefore, everything He owns you own. Think about that for a minute — everything Jesus owns you own. The Word tells us that everything has been put under His control, and He owns and governs it all (Phil. 2:10–11). As a joint-heir with Him, everything has been put under your control, and you also own and govern it all. As an heir of God, you have rights and privileges that you have not yet begun to tap into. There is healing in your words and in your touch. You have victory over every circumstance because your victory was accomplished on the cross at Calvary. All you need to do is believe it and act like it. You have been blessed and no one can curse you. You have authority to nullify every negative word that has been spoken over you, as you use the Name and apply the Blood of Jesus. God created you to be the head and not the tail, which means you were created to be looking down from a position of strength, not to be crawling around on your hands and knees, looking up to others from a position of weakness and lacking authority. Now is the time for you to rise up, take your place, and begin to act like the One in whose image you were created. You are destined for greatness in Him, and you will fulfill every destiny He has placed before you because the greater One lives in you. You have the same power that has been given to your elder brother and co-heir, Jesus Christ. I challenge you to believe it, receive, and begin to act like it. Know that through the death of Jesus you have been made an heir of God and joint-heir with Jesus Christ.



Joan Murray

Joan E. Murray is a black woman who has dedicated her life in teaching Gods word and writing Christian books that reflect biblical teachings of Jesus Christ.